Got some drawings in a show this Saturday - including Gary Panter (!?) among other talented folks - at Fuse Gallery in lower Manhattan town... click here for the gory details... below are some of the drawings i'll be hanging. They're all 11X14" in 16X20 frames, ink and pencil on paper. The text is culled from the websites of the "other" Ted McGrath, a motivational speaker/outsourcing guru. I've been getting more and more calls and emails mistaking me for him lately (i wonder if anyone ever rings him up for an illustration or design gig?) and i thought it'd be fun to illustrate some of his notable quotable moments from the interweb. Enjoy!
Back in October, Kim Bost and i were invited by our friends Post Typography to participate in "Fan Letter," the launch party event for their excellent new book Lettering & Type: Creating Letters And Designing Typefaces. For the presentation, 26 artists, designers, illustrators, musicians, film makers, etc were commissioned to create a short presentation about a beloved letter of the alphabet or typographic character. K having already been chosen, we ended up with T, bwahahaha. There were two "Fan Letter" events, one in Baltimore at MICA and one in NYC at Cooper Union, and we were flattered to have participated in both. The video above is from Baltimore: by far the rougher performance, but there's something about Kim's Dylan circa Bringing It All Back Home performance that i really loved, and unfortunately the giant silver T that i'm wearing didn't make it back to Brooklyn...
Thanks and congrats again to Bruce and Nolen at Post Typgraphy... you can check out more videos from Baltimore here: I highly recommend W by Shaun Flynn and D by Jennifer Daniel.