two quick drawings done over a mercifully short stint at the Brooklyn Supreme Court for Jury Duty that never really happened. Thanks to "Chee Cinncinnatus" for having the coolest name ever.
by far my favorite fee - 50 buxxx and a case of Colt 45... BUT always happy to help out gentleman rock show maker happener Seva Granik, and my friend J plays in Acid Tiger... and the beer will be used to furnish an open studio night, hopefully sometime next month... (i'll get some 'other' beer too, i promise...)
Two views of The USS Monitor Menaced By The CSS Virginia March 9, 1862. Spray paint, guache, pencil, ink on paper, 6X4.5' . i was really happy with how this came out, although the paper crease issue has to be resolved before the next one...